Sri Lanka South 南斯里蘭卡全攻略 – Day 1


Popularity of Sri Lanka is on the raise in recent years, due to calmer political atmosphere and cheaper air fares. However this is a vest country with poor infrastructures, covering the entire nation in one go might be too time consuming for most travellers based in Hong Kong. Hence I’ve put together this 5days4nights itinerary, covering everything that you need to go in Southern Sri Lanka, hope that my experience would make your trip planning easier.


Day 1 – Arrival and Colombo 抵達可倫坡

前往斯里蘭卡只有一個方法:飛機,而飛抵斯里蘭卡亦只有一個選擇:可倫坡(杜拜出發除外)。 可倫坡國際機場係斯里蘭卡嘅主要國際門戶,目前國泰航空及斯里蘭卡航空均有航班往返香港。

There is really only 1 logical way getting into Sri Lanka: by air; and visitor only really have 1 option to enter the country: via Colombo (unless you’re flying in from Dubai). Colombo International Airport is the primary gateway in and out of Sri Lanka, currently both Cathay Pacific and Sri Lankan provide direct services from Hong Kong.



Depends on your time of arrival, there is a good chance that you’ll be arriving in the later part of the afternoon, and that’ll leave you with enough time to have a proper dinner and perhaps spend some quality time at the night market. The good news is, Colombo isn’t the highlight of your Sri Lanka trip, simple treat this as a transit city, spend your time here to adjust to the time difference and rest up for the next day. However if you arrive early and have the time to tour around, the following sites is definitely worth a visit.


Kelaniya Raja Maha Vihara 開拉尼亞寺


Located approx. 10km away from downtown Colombo, the Kelaniya Raja Maha Vihara is one of the top attraction in Colombo. Constructed around 500BC, the Vihara is believed to be visited by Lord Buddha himself twice, and the last time being 8 years after him becoming Lord Buddha.


Sri Ponnambalam Vanesar Kovil

找不到中文名字的 Sri Ponnambolam Vanesar Kovil,是一座位於可倫坡市內的印度教寺廟。斯里蘭卡文化上與印度一脈相承,雖然印度在歷史上從來無管治過斯里蘭卡,但係透過公元前300年左右傳入嘅佛教,令到呢2個國家係文化上相當相似。 Sri Ponnambolam Vanesar Kovil 係當地一個重要嘅印度教聖地,建於1857年,整個寺廟由石塊堆砌,而且保養狀況良好,到而家都可以清楚見到當年鬼斧神工嘅石雕。



After visiting both of the attractions, your day should be coming to an end, have a nice meal, rest up, your real journey shall begin the next day!


 市內交通 Getting Around

機動三輪車 Tri-Shaw


Tri-Shaw is the primary mean of transportation in the City of Colombo, ideal for short distance travel. The Tri-Shaw comes with 2 version, one that charges by the meter and another type that you’ll have to pre-negotiate with the driver. The metered ones will have “Meter” clearly marked on the Taxi sign above their Tricycle. If you failed to find a metered one, make sure you negotiate hard before getting onto one, don’t be afraid to ask around before hoping on one.

的士 Taxi

可倫坡市內的士亦唔難搵到,同香港一樣可以揮手截停。所有的士均按錶收費,起標價為LKR40 (約港幣$2) 。的士比機動三輪車舒適可靠,而且價錢相宜,小編建議大家若果可以盡可能乘搭的士出入吧。

Taxis are plentiful in Colombo, passenger could flag one down like in most cities. All Taxis are metered, and starts at LKR40 (approx HKD$2), make sure your driver starts their meter as soon as the trip starts. Taxis are much more comfortable and reliable than Tri-Shaw, I’d strong recommend travelling with Taxis whenever possible.


 如何前往 Getting there

經可倫坡國際機場 Via Colombo International Airport (CMB)


Colombo International Airport is located 35km North of the City of Colombo, and it serves as the primary international gateway for Sri Lanka. Both Cathay Pacific and Sri Lankan currently Operates direct services from Hong Kong.

港澳台中航線 Airlines & Destinations (Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan & China):

Air China – Chengdu
Cathay PacificHong Kong
Sri Lankan – Beijing-Capital, Guangzhou, Kunming, Shanghai-Pudong, Hong Kong


漢班托塔國際機場 Via Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport (HRI)

這是斯里蘭卡除可倫波外唯一的國際機場,位於首都西南面180公里的馬特拉市附近,目前只有2條商業航線營運 (往返可倫坡及杜拜)。若果由呢個機場出發前往雅拉國家公園(Yala National Park) 可以節省超過2小時車程。

Mattala Airport is located 180km southwest of Colombo, and is the only other International Airport besides it. It currently have only 2 commercial routes serving, 1 from Colombo and another one from Dubai. Visitor could save more than 2 hrs in driving time if you’re traveling to the Yala National Park from here.

航空公司與航線 Airlines & Destinations:

flydubai – Dubai-International
Sri Lankan – Colombo


 簽證須知 Visa Requirements


All visitors must obtain Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) prior to your arrival.

電子簽證按此 Click Here for ETA


Sri Lanka South 南斯里蘭卡全攻略 – Day 2