Sri Lanka South 南斯里蘭卡全攻略 – Day 2

離開首都可倫坡後向東南行130公里(約2小時車程) 就會抵達加勒古城。加勒古城是聯合國世界文化遺產,現有嘅城牆係由荷蘭人係1663年開始建造。古城內依然保留有大量古荷蘭和葡萄牙建築,踏入城牆後就彷彿回到過去,眼前一切景象都會令遊客產生自己離開咗斯里蘭卡嘅錯覺。 又荷蘭,又葡萄牙,媽呀,我好混亂呀!其實加勒原本係一個葡萄牙殖民港,但葡荷兩國係1661年係印度洋爆發戰爭。結果葡萄牙戰敗,根據協議就將加勒割讓比荷蘭,荷蘭人接手後就快速發展加勒港,並且興建城牆同埋大量嘅建築物。1796年英國佔領斯里蘭卡,但並無係佔領後破壞原有荷蘭建築,反而仲加以保護,令到後世有機會一睹古荷蘭建築嘅風采。 130km Southeast of Colombo (2hrs drive) is where the famous UNESCO site – Fort Galle is located. Fort Galle were built by the Dutch in 1663, a large number of both Dutch and Portuguese structure still stood inside the fort today.  Stepping inside the wall of Galle, will bring you back in […]

Sri Lanka South 南斯里蘭卡全攻略 – Day 1

斯里蘭卡係一個近年新興嘅旅遊點,隨著機票價錢越來越平,對呢個地方有興趣嘅朋友都越來越多。但斯里蘭卡係一個相當大嘅國家,一般香港人嘅請假模式,比較難一次過玩晒成個國家。所以小編今次就為大家安排一個5日4夜嘅斯里蘭卡南部旅程,根據我嘅經驗,等大家玩盡每一個景點。 Popularity of Sri Lanka is on the raise in recent years, due to calmer political atmosphere and cheaper air fares. However this is a vest country with poor infrastructures, covering the entire nation in one go might be too time consuming for most travellers based in Hong Kong. Hence I’ve put together this 5days4nights […]