Kinmen, Taiwan

與廈門一水之隔嘅金門,多年來都係國共內戰嘅前線。但隨著兩岸近年關係暖化,金門島上大量1-200年歷史的閩南建築群就成為了熱門的旅遊點。 水頭一家親民宿是一家位於大金門水頭聚落的閩南建築,民宿所在的這座建築物據說已有超過100年歷史。館主細心的將歷史建築重新佈局,保留了歷史元素外,亦為現代的住客提供了必須要的舒適。浸淫在百年時光餘韻中,既簡單又美好。 Kinmen was (and still is) the frontier of the Chinese Civil war between the communist PRC and the capitalist ROC. Located just off the coast of Xiamen of China, Kinmen has today been transformed into a hot tourist destination due to the softened relationship between the both countries, and also because of the […]