由細到大,每次行過尖沙咀海旁嘅時候,都會被一隻紅色嘅中式帆船吸引。小編對呢一隻船嘅認知,一直停留係「旅發局logo」、「遊客景點」呢一個層次,可能係一直都無機會更加親身地去了解呢一隻船:「鴨靈號」嘅過去。 「鴨靈號」係香港碩果僅存嘅中式帆船,佢嘅上半生係一隻水上人嘅捕蝦船。因為傳統捕蝦操作對環境破壞極大,所以政府立法禁止呢類船隻操作,自此鴨靈號就變成遊客景點,每日係維多利亞港中穿梭往來,成為香港嘅標記之一。 小編尋日係facebook見到鴨靈號推出優惠,30分鐘維港遊收費$50起。為咗滿足多年來嘅好奇心,二話不說就網上訂飛,今日出海一睹其廬山真面目! 係船上面有幸遇上船公司嘅業務發展總監 Charlotte,佢細心咁講解「鴨靈號」嘅「前世今生」,同埋發展歷史。經過佢嘅一番講解,我先至知道原來呢隻船同旅遊發展局係一啲關係都無的,完完全全係一間私營嘅中小企,為保存香港珍貴嘅歷史而係度努力奮鬥中。 疫情稍為緩和,旅行有冇得去但又天朗氣清嘅5月,不妨花少少錢嚟體驗吓係自己屋企做遊客嘅樂趣! 票價(特別優惠): 日航-$50 夜航-$70 幻彩詠香江特別班次-$100 2小時文化體驗工作坊 - $170 網上訂票:www.dukling.com.hk

來往倫敦市中心同Gatwick(LGW)機場之間,好多人都會選擇乘搭Gatwick Express呢條機場鐵路,30分鐘不停站直達London Victoria Station。但其實好多人都唔知道,係同一條路軌上面,係有普通嘅Thameslink/Southern Rail 以30分鐘一班嘅密度通勤,而且只係比Gatwick Express停多2個站,總行車時間多5分鐘而已。 而個重點係:Thameslink 比 Gatwick Express 可以平超過1/3! 我哋以2019年5月1號嚟做例子,11:23分開出嘅Gatwick Express總行車時間為27分鐘,最平票價為每位GBP17.8;而Southern Rail只係遲GX4分鐘開出,中行車時間多5分鐘,但係票價就足足每位平咗GBP5.8(32.5%),成個麥當勞餐咁滯,若果同行多幾個人,條數都幾襟計。 講咗咁耐,又話有得免費升去搭頭等嘅? 其實源於Gatwick同London City Centre之間嘅火車服務其實屬於Thameslink 700嘅一部分,而Thameslink就係舊年(2018年)宣佈咗所有Thameslink 700服務嘅最尾一卡頭等都會「declassified」,即係任何艙等嘅持票乘客都可以坐。 Thameslink 700火車服務,頭尾2卡分別都係頭等車廂,但任何時候都只會係車頭嘅一卡限制頭等車票持票人使用,而最尾一卡頭等就可以隨便任何乘客使用。係倫敦市區內任何一個Thameslink 車站嘅月台上面,都會裝有顯示板顯示下一班列車共有幾多節車廂,同埋邊一卡係頭等。只要你確定螢幕上面最尾個一卡無個「1st」字,你就可以憑2等車廂票價,免費乘搭頭等啦! 唔單止 Southern Rail嘅London Victoria Service,Great Northern/Thameslink 嘅 St. Pancras – Gatwick Airport 服務一樣得,若果你係St. Pancras附近,就唔使特登拎住啲行李搭tube去 London Victoria 搭火車啦! 各服務訂票網址: London Victoria,City Thameslink, London Euston 出發 - Southern Railway – www.southernrailway.com London St. […]
生態危機:長灘島封島5個月| Boracay Shut-down for 5-months

菲律賓政府宣佈由4月26日起封閉長灘島(Boracay), 以進行生態保育及環境復修工作。 封島會持續到9月30日止。(或會延長) 如已訂購菲航或宿霧太平洋航空前往Kalibo或Caticlan的機票,請聯絡航空公司申請退款。Skyjet及Air Asia並無退款安排。 Philippine’s top tourist destination – Boracay will be closed to visitor beginning Apr 26th this year, aiming to rehabilitation the Island’s destroyed natural environment. The closure of the Island is expected to last till 30th Sep, and it may be extended. If you have already bought your ticket to […]
太平洋上的世外桃源-塞班島 | Saipan, CNMI

小編最近去咗一轉位於太平洋嘅美國海外領地 - 北馬里亞納群島自由邦,亦即係大家都好耳熟能詳嘅 - 塞班島。介紹小編就唔多寫啦,但係旅行期間拍咗啲片,剪輯之後同大家分享一下,獨樂樂不如衆樂樂。 I recently pay a visit to a US overseas territory in the Pacific Ocean – The Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, also known as CNMI, or more commonly refer to as – Saipan. I’m not gonna write a lengthy introduction to this tropical paradise, instead, I’ve put together some clips […]
Sri Lanka South 南斯里蘭卡全攻略 – Day 2

離開首都可倫坡後向東南行130公里(約2小時車程) 就會抵達加勒古城。加勒古城是聯合國世界文化遺產,現有嘅城牆係由荷蘭人係1663年開始建造。古城內依然保留有大量古荷蘭和葡萄牙建築,踏入城牆後就彷彿回到過去,眼前一切景象都會令遊客產生自己離開咗斯里蘭卡嘅錯覺。 又荷蘭,又葡萄牙,媽呀,我好混亂呀!其實加勒原本係一個葡萄牙殖民港,但葡荷兩國係1661年係印度洋爆發戰爭。結果葡萄牙戰敗,根據協議就將加勒割讓比荷蘭,荷蘭人接手後就快速發展加勒港,並且興建城牆同埋大量嘅建築物。1796年英國佔領斯里蘭卡,但並無係佔領後破壞原有荷蘭建築,反而仲加以保護,令到後世有機會一睹古荷蘭建築嘅風采。 130km Southeast of Colombo (2hrs drive) is where the famous UNESCO site – Fort Galle is located. Fort Galle were built by the Dutch in 1663, a large number of both Dutch and Portuguese structure still stood inside the fort today. Stepping inside the wall of Galle, will bring you back in […]
Sri Lanka South 南斯里蘭卡全攻略 – Day 1

斯里蘭卡係一個近年新興嘅旅遊點,隨著機票價錢越來越平,對呢個地方有興趣嘅朋友都越來越多。但斯里蘭卡係一個相當大嘅國家,一般香港人嘅請假模式,比較難一次過玩晒成個國家。所以小編今次就為大家安排一個5日4夜嘅斯里蘭卡南部旅程,根據我嘅經驗,等大家玩盡每一個景點。 Popularity of Sri Lanka is on the raise in recent years, due to calmer political atmosphere and cheaper air fares. However this is a vest country with poor infrastructures, covering the entire nation in one go might be too time consuming for most travellers based in Hong Kong. Hence I’ve put together this 5days4nights […]
Kinmen, Taiwan

與廈門一水之隔嘅金門,多年來都係國共內戰嘅前線。但隨著兩岸近年關係暖化,金門島上大量1-200年歷史的閩南建築群就成為了熱門的旅遊點。 水頭一家親民宿是一家位於大金門水頭聚落的閩南建築,民宿所在的這座建築物據說已有超過100年歷史。館主細心的將歷史建築重新佈局,保留了歷史元素外,亦為現代的住客提供了必須要的舒適。浸淫在百年時光餘韻中,既簡單又美好。 Kinmen was (and still is) the frontier of the Chinese Civil war between the communist PRC and the capitalist ROC. Located just off the coast of Xiamen of China, Kinmen has today been transformed into a hot tourist destination due to the softened relationship between the both countries, and also because of the […]
Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

位於加拿大英屬哥倫比亞省(卑詩省)中南部的基隆拿 (Kelowna) 市,是加拿大的重要紅酒生產基地,加拿大全國超過7成的紅酒均由包括基隆拿在內的奧根湖區(Okanagan)出產。基隆拿夏季天氣怡人、四邊環山,絕對是舒展筋骨、放鬆身心的好地方。 Kelowna is a small city located in the South-Central region of the province of British Columbia in Canada. Kelowna and the surrounding Okanagan Region is the most important wine area in the country, where production here accounts for over 70% of the national output. Kelowna’s summer weather is clam and delightful, surrounded […]
Sofitel Metropole, Hanoi, Vietnam

巴黎? 非也,這裡是位於越南首都河內的索菲特大酒店。這座法國味道濃郁的酒店建於1901年,由當年的法國殖民者建造。在這裡,你可以感受到一百多年前的殖民地風情,感覺就像穿越了時空到達了巴黎一樣。 Paris? Nah, this is Sofitel Legend Metropole Hotel, located in the Vietnamese capital city Hanoi. This French architect was built in 1901 during the French colonial era; here you may travel in time to indulge yourself in the amazing colonial atmosphere, it literately felt like Paris from the 18th century. 如何前往 Getting […]
White Beach, Boracay, the Philippines

白沙海灘 (White Beach) 位於菲律賓中部的長灘島,全長約4公里。沙灘旁邊開滿酒吧及旅館,消閒娛樂24小時運作,其獨特的幼滑細沙更是蜚聲海外的一大賣點。 White Beach is located on Boracay in Central Philippines, famous for its 4km long beach. Night clubs, restaurants and hotels scattered through out the edge of the beach, providing round-the-clock entertainment; ofcourse the soft fine white sand is the biggest attractin of all. 如何前往 Getting there 經長灘島機場 via Boracay/Caticlan Airport: […]