Sri Lanka South 南斯里蘭卡全攻略 – Day 2

離開首都可倫坡後向東南行130公里(約2小時車程) 就會抵達加勒古城。加勒古城是聯合國世界文化遺產,現有嘅城牆係由荷蘭人係1663年開始建造。古城內依然保留有大量古荷蘭和葡萄牙建築,踏入城牆後就彷彿回到過去,眼前一切景象都會令遊客產生自己離開咗斯里蘭卡嘅錯覺。


130km Southeast of Colombo (2hrs drive) is where the famous UNESCO site – Fort Galle is located. Fort Galle were built by the Dutch in 1663, a large number of both Dutch and Portuguese structure still stood inside the fort today.  Stepping inside the wall of Galle, will bring you back in time to the 16th century, where you’ll temporarily forget about being in Sri Lanka for a while.

Dutch “AND” Portuguese? You’re confused aren’t you? Fort Galle was a Portuguese colony until they lost the war to the Dutch East Indian Company in Indian Ocean in 1661. Fort Galle than were ceased to the Netherlands, where they constructed the existing wall and a large number of structure within the fort. British came in 1796 and took the entire Sri Lanka as colony, instead of destroying the Dutch structure in Galle, the Brits decided to preserve them, this is the reason why Fort Galle still looks exactly like what it looked like 400 years ago.



If you could depart Colombo at 8am, you should be able to arrive into Galle at around 10am, where you will still have a full day to tour around the fort. Fort Galle is a place with absolutely no night life, most businesses (except restaurant) closes its doors within an hour from sunset. I strongly recommend starting your day as soon as you arrive to conserve day light.

Tuk Tuk 遊覽大法 | The Tuk Tuk Tour:

在加勒古城的大街小巷上,唔難見到呢種機動三輪車(Tuk Tuk),呢種Tuk Tuk 係古城內嘅主要交通工具。上車前必須先議好價錢,傾唔掂嘅,搭另一架。而基本上每一個Tuk Tuk 司機都係兼職導遊,小編建議大家可以搵一個啱傾嘅Tuk Tuk 司機,同佢傾好價錢,又佢嚟做導遊帶你圍住古城內圍行一個圈。一般嘅Tuk Tuk車司機都會為你講解每一個景點,而且會落車陪乘客遊覽,呢個實在係一個十分好嘅方法去了解加勒古城。

It won’t be hard to find these Tuk Tuk on the streets and Alley way of Galle, they are the primary mean of transportation within the fort. You’ll need to bargin and set the fare before boarding one, if you can’t agree to a price, find another one. Essentially every Tuk Tuk driver are also part-time tour guide for the Fort, I recommend finding a Tuk Tuk Driver that you like and workout a price for him to take you on a private Fort Tour. The driver will accompany you throughout the trip, taking you to attractions and explain every thing about it along its way, they will also walk with their passenger to different attractions as guide. And this is the best way to kick start your journey here in Fort Galle.


Handunugoda 錫蘭茶園 | Handunugoda Tea Estate

錫蘭紅茶大家就聽得多,但係種植同生產錫蘭紅茶嘅茶園大家有去過未呢? Hundunugoda茶園佔地超過200畝,為斯里蘭卡國內其中一個歷史最悠久嘅錫蘭茶園。園内設有自己嘅茶葉處理設備,其中唔少嘅設備購自英國,有超過140年嘅歷史架啦!Hundunugoda離開迦勒古城唔遠,遊客可以自行乘搭的士,或者跟本地團前往。除咗歷史悠久外,Handunugoda 茶園嘅產量相當少,而且唔外銷。若果你想買呢度得獎無數嘅紅茶就只可以親身前往啦。遊覽連交通大約需時2-3個小時,大家不妨去行下呢一個運作中嘅博物館,順手買啲上好嘅錫蘭紅茶返去做手信!

The estate is 200 acres (809,371 m2) in extent and comprises 75 acres (303,514 m2) of tea. The balance plantation is of rubber, cinnamon and coconut. There is a well equipped tea factory on the property. Most machines were made in the United Kingdom and are over 140 years old. The factory is a living and working museum. The estate is not a mass producer of tea. Handunugoda makes very small quantities of the choicest teas, winning international recognition. Handunugoda produces the famous ‘Virgin White Tea’, a tea untouched by hand which has attracted attention from tea enthusiasts all over the world. Travellers may get there by taxi or by joining a local tour, recommended duration including transportation will be around 2-3 hours.

參加過Tuk Tuk 遊覽團,去過錫蘭茶園,淨返嘅時間好好利用嚟係古城入面參觀一下荷蘭建築、在古城牆上漫步、在古城內用膳,好好輕鬆一下,為聽日更精彩嘅行程作好準備!
Relex yourself inside the fort for the rest of your day, spend some time visiting the Dutch buildings, scroll along the old city wall, enjoy a fabulous meal, get ready for and early depature the next day!

 市內交通 Getting Around

Tuk Tuk

Tuk Tuk為可倫坡市內隨處可見嘅交通工具,適合短途行駛。市內三輪車分為按錶收費及議價收費2種,按錶收費的三輪車會在車頂的的士牌上清楚顯示。若果你搵唔到按錶收費嘅三輪車,緊記要係上車前講價,需要時不妨問多兩三個司機格下價。

Tuk Tuk is the primary mean of transportation in the City of Colombo, ideal for short distance travel. The Tuk Tuk comes with 2 version, one that charges by the meter and another type that you’ll have to pre-negotiate with the driver. The metered ones will have “Meter” clearly marked on the Taxi sign above their Tuk Tuk. If you failed to find a metered one, make sure you negotiate hard before getting onto one, don’t be afraid to ask around before hoping on one.

白牌車 Car Rental (with Driver)

加勒古城並無按錶收費或受政府監管的的士服務,若果需要到茶園或者更遠的地方,最好的方法就是租白牌車或者參加Local Tour,遊客可以經過入住的酒店安排。

There are no legal Taxi service in Galle, if you’re planning to travel for a far distance, car rental or joining a local tour will be your only options, you may get that arranged through your hotel.


 如何前往 Getting there

白牌車 Car Rental (with Driver)


There are many car rental companies in Colombo where you can hire with a driver., it is recommended that travellers have their entire itinerary worked out and hire the car and driver for the entire duration of your trip.  Most hotels will provide free accomodations for your accompanying driver,  if not, passengers will be charged hotel fees of around HKD$120/night.

火車 Train


There are multiple daily trains between Colombo and Galle and it takes about 3 hrs, kindly refer to for details.


 簽證須知 Visa Requirements


All visitors must obtain Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) prior to your arrival.

電子簽證按此 Click Here for ETA


Sri Lanka South 南斯里蘭卡全攻略 – Day 1